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Rigid packaging

PET preform

We offer a wide variety of PET preforms specifically designed to meet bottlers dynamic designs and consumer preferences. 3P focuses mainly on the food and beverage sector of the PET market, which includes preforms for Carbonated Soft Drinks, mineral water, juices and edible oil.

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We offer closures suitable for carbonated soft drinks (CSD) , water bottles, pharmaceutical, food and edible oil applications. 3P closures offer unique features like – Leak-proof sealing liner, efficient Tamper-Evident Band, Good surface finish at the top (without injection point) making it compatible to take a multicolor print on it. Inside printing / promotional printing can also be carried out with all ease.





Our Plastic Laminate Tubes feature flexibility, absolute barrier, and strong bonding.


Flexibility means tubes with different material configurations like Aluminum Barrier Laminate ( ABL ) and Plastic Barrier Laminate ( PBL ) can be produced in different diameters and lengths to suit most of the standard sizes. The Barrier property relates to the total barrier to oxygen, moisture, and high volatile flavors. High bond strength means superior laminate quality with excellent bond strength between the multi-layer structure - the substrate never de-laminates even when highly aggressive materials are stored.



Our plastic disposables range from dinnerware, tableware to products used for protective packaging. Our disposables are designed and manufactured to provide consumers with an affordable, hygienic, and aesthetically pleasing solution to enjoy food on the go. Our wide range of disposables enables us to offer a complete solution to food service operators, wholesalers and homes.

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